Selftest: Unit vector

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1. Which of the labels in the following figures are correct?

Here you have to regard the correct lable and assignment of the vector and the unit vector and also the magnitude of the unit vector.

Vektorrechnung aufgabe5.3.png
Wrong:The magnitude of the vector is \frac{1}{2} . Unit vectors have a length of 1 (see unit vectors).
Vektorrechnung aufgabe5.1.png
Correct:Here the unit vector has length 1 and both vectors point in the same direction.
Vektorrechnung aufgabe5.2.png
Wrong:In this figure the labels of vector \vec{\mathbf{a}} and the unit vector \vec{\mathbf{e}}_a are interchanged. Hence the vector \vec{\mathbf{a}} would always have length 1. But this is not generalizable. Furthermore a unit vector is not formed by multiplying the direction with a scalar, because it has always length 1. For further description please have a look at the article about unit vectors.
Vektorrechnung aufgabe5.4.png
Correct:Here the unit vector has length 1 and both vectors point in the same direction.

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