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GET-Forschungsseminar Abstracts

Multi-Room Models of Indoor Environments from 3D Point Clouds

Tintu D. Joy, GET Lab

Vortrag: Mo. 08.12.2010, 16:30, Raum P 1.4.18


Many of the available methods in which robots handle tasks in indoor environments focus exclusively on the recognition and usage of objects within a room, or in constrained areas within a room. Other methods only carry out a rough classification of the room in, for example, wall, ceiling, and floor segments. This work aims to establish spatial boundary models of indoor environments. These models shall only represent the boundaries of the environment as a (preferably complete) three-dimensional floor plan without considering any other surfaces but the wall, ceiling and floor elements. In a further step, the system should be able to detect doors, passages and windows in the scene and to integrate those into the model. Doors and passages are of great importance, as they indicate the transition from one section of a room to the next. With the information about the transitions a description of entire floor plans shall be pursued.