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A Fault Classification and Treatment Method for Mobile robots
Date: 2015/09/30
Time: 16:30 h
Place: P 1.4.17
Author(s): Wu Qicai

Am Mittwoch, den 30. September 2015, hält Wu Qicai, Gastwissenschaftler von der School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, einen Vortrag mit dem Titel:

A Fault Classification and Treatment Method for Mobile robots


In this presentation, firstly the necessity of a fault detection and diagnosis(FDD) function for mobile robot is introduced. Afterwards the main classification of fault and some kinds of methods for fault detection will be described. The procedure of FDD will also be shown. Current research focuses on the build of a fault model based on fault tree analysis. By combining several cases, the build of FDD will be discussed, including the generation of fault tree, fault detection method selection and basic event priority analysis method. Finally, the framework of the a typical FDD for mobile robot will be shown. The presentation will be concluded with the outlook of future research questions. One aim is on improving the robustness of fault management for a system.

Der Vortrag beginnt um 16:30 Uhr im Raum P 1.4.17.