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Start of the course
Date: 2020/04/16

Dear students,

The course Digital Image Processing II will start on April 22. The lecture will begin at 9:15 a.m. where we will give an introduction about the organization of the course, including the exercises. Instead of traditional in-class teaching, both parts will be offered completely online using web conferencing and other tools. Details about how to access the tools will be published here in due time before.

In order to avoid feedback loops during the web conferences, you may want to use a headset with a microphone. For more hints how to prepare your participation refer to this address: https://hilfe.uni-paderborn.de/Hinweise_und_Tipps_f%C3%BCr_Audio-_undVideokonferenzen/_Netiquette/en

For the course, we will use the learning platform PANDA: https://panda.uni-paderborn.de/?lang=en.

Furthermore, all documents can be found at the course web site: https://getwww.uni-paderborn.de/teaching/dip-II

Please be aware that the course has two Paul numbers:



Best Regards

Mahmoud Mohamed