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Information on the Midterm Exams

General Modalities

For the midterm exams please consider the following issues:

Required Identification

Please bring a photo ID (e.g. student ID) for identification.

Permitted Aids

No own tools (scripts, books, form collections, mobile phones, smart watches, etc.) are allowed except pocket calculators. Programmable pocket calculators or those with plot function for displaying function graphs are also not allowed.

Organization of the Midterm Exam II

Submission of your solutions: Now, you are ready to send the solutions:


The second midterm exam will be held at 11:15 a.m. on January 26, 2017. Please arrive on time, so that the exam can start on time at 11:15 a.m.

Date Time Type Place Result Post-exam Review
Thu., Dec 15, 2016 9:15 a.m. Written exam P 1.6.11 Midterm 1 results (PDF) February 17, 2017, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., P
Thu., Jan 26, 2017 11:15 a.m. Programming task Poolraum (PDF) Midterm 2 results (PDF) April 20, 2017, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m., P