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Presentation of Research Work from the Human-Robot Informatics Lab, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Date: 2015/06/17
Time: 16:30 h
Author(s): Thomas Westfechtel, Bärbel Mertsching

On Wednesday, June 17, Thomas Westfechtel and Prof. Bärbel Mertsching give talk about the research work from the Human-Robot Informatics Lab, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan:


GET Lab is cooperating with the Human-Robot Informatics Lab of Prof Satoshi Tadoko and Prof Kazunori Ohno at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. On this date current reseach projects of our partners will be presented. Thomas Westfechtel is currently doing his master's thesis in collaboration between Prof Ohno and Prof Mertsching. For this he worked for six months in Sendai. During her sabbatical in last winter semester Prof Mertsching was able to go to Sendai again and stayed there as a visiting professor for two weeks.

The presentation starts at 16:30h in room P 1.4.17.