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Abschlussvorträge zur Vorlesung 'Cognitive Systems in Virtual Reality' aus dem WS 2013/14
Date: 2014/05/21
Time: 16:30 h
Place: P 1.4.17

Am Mittwoch, den 21. Mai 2014, stellen

  • Tawhid Jayed Bin Jafar
  • Waqas Ahmad Farooqi
  • Muhammad Waqas
  • Konstantin Steinmiller

ihre Abschlussprojekte zur Vorlesung "Cognitive Systems in Virtual Reality - Modeling and Simulation" aus dem Wintersemester 2013/14 vor.


Cognition is a complex phenomenon found in nature that is being investigated for incorporating in mechatronical machines. In perpective of engineering, the problem becomes further complicated when the processes of cognitiion are to be reflected as a complete system that should have the ability to sense, think, and act. A number of hurdles exist in the way of constructing complete cognitive systems able to work autonomously, e.g. lack of sensing technology, unability of actuation in a given environment, and limited capability to compute all aspects for demonstrating the required behavior. Simulation in physics enabled virtual reality is a good solution to continue research on a particular aspect while abstracting the components not yet completely under control. The presentations in this seminar will demonstrate the routine cognitive behavior of different animals in their environments by combining knowledge areas of cogniting, modelling, simulation, and computer graphics. The presented virtual animals are able to automously demonstrate various behaviours with mathematical and computational models running in the background.

Die Vorträge beginnen um 16:30 Uhr im Raum P 1.4.17.