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Information on Examinations


Required Idenfication

Please bring a photo ID (e.g. student ID, ID, drivers license) for identification.

Permitted Aids

There are no aids allowed except for calculators. Programmable calculators or those with a plot function to display graphs of functions are not allowed. Furthermore keaping smartphones on the table and wearing smartwatches is prohibited.


The tests will take place at the beginning of the lecture or exercise, respectively, on the dates indicated below. After the tests, the lecture or exercise continues. Please be there on time at 09:15 am so that the tests can begin on schedule.

Exam Date Time Results (password required) Post-exam Review
Midterm 1 31.05.2016 09:15 am Midterm 1 results Thursday, July 21, 1-2pm, P1.6.02.1
Midterm 2 28.06.2016 09:15 am Midterm 2 results Thursday, July 21, 1-2pm, P1.6.02.1

Final Exam

The final exam of the summer semester 2016 will take place on
Wednesday, August 31, 2016, 9-11am, P5.2.01.
Details about the time and location will follow as soon as possible.