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GETbot-Team gets third place at the RoboCup German Open 2012
Date: 2012/04/05

Once again, the GET Lab represented the University of Paderborn in the League of Rescue Robots with their robot GETbot. Following a tough competition including four preliminary rounds and two final contests the GETbot team placed third after the teams of Darmstadt and Warwick (Great Britain). "The competition of ten participating team was much greater than ever before." said Timo Korthals, a student at the GET Lab. The teams placed first and second were not very strong in the autonomous operations, but through the additional use of tele-operated robots they were able to locate additional simulated victims and gain more points." For next year, the GET Lab is planning on employing a second autonomous and a tele-operated rescue robot.

The City of Magdeburg was again hosting the RoboCup German Open from March 30 to April 01, 2012. 38 scientists from 12 countries competed in the open competition for soccer, service- and rescue robots .


(left to right) The GETbot Team 2012: Muhannad Mujahed, Timo Korthals, Dirk Fischer, Zaheer Aziz, Florian Frings and Heinrich Drobin (Foto: Dirk Fischer)