The GETbots team consists of of researchers and students. While GET Lab is doing research in the field of cognitive systems, the GETbots team has been founded to apply research results in a fleet of intelligent cooperating robots which support human first responders in rescue scenarios.
Moreover, the GETbots team provides an excellent opportunity for students to use the theoretical and methodological knowledge they have acquired in their bachelor's and master's programs, in a challenging and exciting environment.
Introducing the GETbots team
GETbots Team at the RoboCup 2016
Team 2016 (f.l.t.r. top: Mawe Sprenger, Fabian Winkel, Daniel Gaspers, center: Daniel Nickchen, Steffen Grotenhöfer, Rafi Jakub, down: Mahmoud Mohamed, Dirk Fischer, Muhannad Mujahed) [Photo: Daniel Nickchen]