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Learning of View-based Object Representations

Introduction and Overview

This work focuses on automatic learning of view-based object representations initialized by a single example (rectangular template or rectangular bounding box) of the object of interest given by a user (semi-supervised) or further algorithms (unsupervised), see Fig. 1 for an overview of the system structure. Based on an integrated scheme of detection and learning, the position of the object is continuously determined while updating the view-based object representation. Traditional object recognition systems require a large amount of training in advance and are generally optimized for a specific scope of application and object class. In comparison, the object recognition system developed in this work is not limited to a specific object class and an extensive training phase in advance is replaced by an online learning algorithm. This allows for interaction with a broad range of further algorithms, for example, artificial visual attention algorithms for the initialization of the integrated scheme of detection and learning or the semantic annotation of the representation learned in order to perform higher order tasks. The object representations can further be exploited for tasks such as long-term tracking, human-computer-interaction, navigation, scene interpretation, etc.
Overview of the system structure
Fig. 1 - Overview of the system structure.

Biological Backgrounds and Feature Selection

The object learning system developed in this work is motivated by certain biological backgrounds. As the human visual system is capable of learning and recognizing arbitrary objects and object classes, such mechanisms are systematically exploited within this work. The learning and detection scheme is based on local appearance and shape features. Using both types of features is necessary to deal with a broad range of objects (see Fig. 2). By using local instead of global features, partial occlusions and certain object transformations (for example non-rigid objects) can be handled.
Shape Features Appearance Features
Fig. 2 - Left: The depicted objects can easily be classified given their contour only. This underlines the importance of this feature for multipurpose object recognition systems. Right: Nonetheless, a broad range of objects cannot be distinguished only given their contour. Therefore, multipurpose object recognition systems also require appearance based features (images adapted from http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~shape/).
Concerning the shape features, a new approach for extracting contour fragments from binary edge images computed by standard edge detection algorithms is being developed. The approach is based on a combination of multi-scale curvature analysis with pixel-based contour analysis. With this combination, reproducible extraction of contour fragments as well as fast processing of input images is achieved. Through the multi-scale analysis scheme, changing object sizes due to position changes of the object and camera are tractable. Moreover, the scheme is robust to noisy contours as well as different image sizes and resolutions. In the stage of pixel-based analysis, the different intersection types of the detected contours are processed in a fast manner. The further extraction of contour fragments is then based on curvature singularities. These are not only of particular importance for the human visual system, but due to their robustness to changes of orientation, scale, and even small affine transformations, are also interesting for technical object recognition systems.

Further Objectives

The object learning system developed in this work consists of several further components associated with further research questions, for example:

Structure of local features: The relation of local features to each other is an important characteristic to be described in order to develop robust object recognition systems. Therefore, in this work, it investigated by which approach and at which depth the relation between local features should be described. The possibilities range from describing no relations at all (for example bag-of-features) to graph-based approaches describing the relation of each feature to all other features.

Outlier rejection: Performing an object detection typically involves the examination of a set of several thousand bounding boxes per image. In order to accelerate the detection process, a broad range of these bounding boxes of possible object positions can be rejected based on the analysis of fast to calculate global features (variance, histograms, etc.). By this means, the whole detection process is accelerated. In this work, it is investigated which features and which existing algorithms are suitable for multipurpose object recognition systems.

Semantic annotation: A challenging research question addressed in this work is the automatic annotation of the view-based object representations with semantic labels. Given one or several views of an object, the idea is to use a search engine in order to search for visually similar images. The websites containing those similar images are then analyzed by text-mining methods in order to extract semantic labels.


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