@mastersthesis { Kaliath2023, author = { Rensi Raghunath Nadakkakath Kaliath }, title = { Improving Robot Dexterity with a Hybrid Visual Servoing Approach }, month = { September }, year = { 2024 }, school = { Paderborn University }, type = { Master's Thesis }, abstract = { In the field of robotics, handling objects and interacting with the environment is important for a wide range of applications. The current setup at GET Lab for object handling tasks uses a camera mounted on the end-effector along with a closed loop control approach. The model-based tracking system fails as the end-effector gets closer to the object and the target object is not completely visible. This thesis tries to overcome this limitation by extending the current method so that tracking is possible until the end-effector can interact with the object. A solution with a fixed camera setup and a hybrid control approach integrating Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) into the current system is developed. Finally, the system is evaluated for its ability in performing dexterity tasks such as touch, inspect and grasp. } }