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GETbot-Team wins "Best in Class Mobility Award" at the RoboCup German Open 2014 for the 2nd time in a row
Date: 2014/04/05

From April 3, 2014 until April 5, 2014 the RoboCup German Open were held in Magdeburg, Germany. 43 teams from 11 countries with more than 300 participants entered the open competition for soccer, service and rescue robots.

The GET Lab team with their "GETbot" once again represented the University of Paderborn in the rescue robot league. After a tough competition over four preliminary rounds, the GETbot team qualified for the finals of the competitions "Best in Class Mobility" and "Best in Class manipulation". Whereas the team of the University of applied science Upper Austria won the prize "Best in Class Manipulation" for themselves, the GETbot team secured the "Best in Class Mobility Award" for the 2nd time in a row.


The GETbot team 2014: from left to right: Mawe Sprenger, Robin Vogt, Tobias Kotthäuser, Daniel Nickchen, Branko Dodic, Dirk Fischer, Muhannad Mujahed, Mahmoud Mohamed, Fabian Ickerott, Srikrishna Bashyam, Siddharth Mittal.