DFG - Priority Program:
VIVA - Fundamentals and Methods for Low-Power Information Processing


High power dissipation becomes the central problem in the ongoing developement and implementation of more and more complex data- and signal processing applications, especially in the mobile and portable segment.

The priority program VIVA aims at the development of fundamentals and methods for low-power information processing. Hereby, projects will not focus on a single abstraction layer, but consider all design process levels (system concept, algorithm, architecture, down to the basic electronic components of the physical chip).

Furthermore, the performance of low-power information processing will be demonstrated and evaluated in selected design examples.

There is a great demand for low-power optimized integrated circuits in the domain of very complex signal processing, especially the next generation of mobile and portable applications will play an important role in highly profitable sectors.

As this increasingly profitable market is growing rapidly, there is already a huge demand for low-power circuitry which will expand in the near future.

In VIVA, the results of research in various fields shall be merged and used for the exploration of common research topics. The establishment of interdisciplinary cooperations is therefore encouraged.

Zuletzt geändert: 2009/03/02