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Master's Thesis Presentation: Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments Using Multiple Object Tracking Based on Sensor Fusion
Datum: 2023/11/22
Uhrzeit: 16:30 Uhr
Ort: P 1.4.18
Autor(en): Jahnavi Kiran Patel

On Wednesday, November 22, Jahnavi Kiran Patel will present the results of her master's thesis with the title:

Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments Using Multiple Object Tracking Based on Sensor Fusion

Abstract: To navigate safely through crowded dynamic environments, an autonomous system must be capable of planning a path while incorporating the behavior of surrounding objects. GET Lab currently employs a trajectory planner in conjunction with a reactive obstacle avoidance method. However, the behavior of dynamic objects is not taken into consideration. To address this, Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) is used in this thesis to create a risk map that builds a model of potentially safe or unsafe areas in the robot’s environment. To plan a safe path to the goal, this risk map is integrated into the navigation system, while taking real-time conditions into account. For evaluation, the system is tested on public datasets and simulated test scenarios.