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Modeling and implementation of biological motivated learning processes of a mobile robotic system
Datum: 2011/02/02
Uhrzeit: 16:30 - 17:30 Uhr
Ort: P 1.4.17
Autor(en): Jonathan Rabe

Am Mittwoch, den 02.02.2011, hält Jonathan Rabe um 16:30 im Raum P 1.4.17 einen Vortrag über seine Bachelorarbeit mit dem Titel:

Modeling and implementation of learning processes in the working memory of a mobile robotic system


Biological systems like humans, monkeys or rats have the ability to fast adapt to new tasks and utilize this ability for action in inexperienced situations. They make optimal decisions using incomplete and uncertain information and possess an adaptive behavior. Autonomous robotic systems are as a rule developed to be used in not entirely known environments, which necessarily lead to unexpected situations. The adaptive behavior of such systems is a precondition for the successful execution of the given task and one of the most important goals in robotic research. To achieve this goal it is advisable to take a look on how adaptive behavior originates in nature and try to simulate this inside the robotic system. Discoveries in the last two decades in behavioral and neuroscience create a basis for biologically inspired modeling of different kinds of learning processes inside the brain.

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