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GET-Forschungsseminar Abstracts

Master's Thesis Presentation: Autonomous Assembly of Pre-Defined Structures with a Robotic Arm Using Known Objects Detected in the Environment

Satish Jai, GET Lab

Presentation: 07.07.2021, 16:30h


The ability to assemble objects autonomously has a wide range of applications in the field of robotics. From performing industrial pick and place tasks to building a support structure during a disaster rescue operation. This thesis aimed at developing an autonomous system that can build predefined structures from simple and regular shaped objects. The system mainly consists of three subsystems: detection, arm control, and control unit. The detection system processes the 3D input data from a depth sensor camera to identify the objects of interest. Detection involves sub-processes like extraction of meaningful clusters, determining the 6D pose, and classification of the objects. The information of identified objects is further processed by a control unit. The control unit acts as a link between detection and arm control and is involved in assembly planning. The assembly planning is done using the information of the detected objects along with a construction plan which provides details of the objects that have to be used for a particular assembly. The assembly plan is executed through a state machine that communicates with the arm and takes control of different states of the assembly process. The current implementation integrates a real and a simulated arm. The simulated arm was used to perform the initial tests of the assembly system in a Gazebo simulation environment. The real-world evaluation and tests were done using a real RVM1 arm. The evaluation of the entire assembly system is done by verifying the detected object?s pose and by determining the correctness of object?s pose in an assembled structure.