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Autonomous Assembly of Pre-Defined Structures with a Robotic Arm Using Known Objects Detected in the Environment
Datum: 2020/05/27
Uhrzeit: 16:30 Uhr
Autor(en): Satish Jai

On Wednesday, May 27, Satish Jai will present intermediate results of his master's thesis with the title:

Autonomous Assembly of Pre-Defined Structures with a Robotic Arm Using Known Objects Detected in the Environment


The ability to assemble objects autonomously has a wide range of applications in robotics. This thesis aims at developing a fully autonomous system that builds predefined structures from objects detected in the environment. The system will mainly consist of three subsystems: detection, pick and place, and assembly. The detection system processes the 3D input data from a depth sensor camera to detect object clusters in a given scene. These detected clusters are further processed to estimate the exact pose of the objects. The pose along with the object's geometry helps in calculating the possible grasp locations. A motion planner is used to find a suitable plan to pick and place the object. At last, a system will be developed that reads and executes the necessary assembly instructions to build a given structure. The entire system will be first tested and evaluated in a simulation environment and then in the real world scenario.